Gill Properties was anxious to develop a five story, Class A office building at the edge of Memphis and Germantown. Occupied by Mid-America Apartment Communities, Inc (MAA), the 162,000 square foot office building was designed with Rooftop Units and VAV’s/Fan Terminal Units to heat and cool the building.
ASCE provided seismic engineering and restraints for the VAV’s, FTU’s, RTU and other mechanical equipment as well as provided seismic rated duct supports for the ductwork on the roof.
To help the contractor reduce the amount of labor required for this job, ASC Equip provided Gripple Rod Stiffeners for all (200) of the VAV’s and FTU’s. Normally an entire crew would spend a full week installing rod stiffeners on the VAV’s/FTU’s on one floor. The contractor’s same crew installed the same amount of Gripple Rod Stiffeners in less than a day.
MAA Travure
What We Did
- Seismic Engineering and Restraints for Mechanical Equipment, Duct and Pipe
- Rod Stiffeners for (200) VAV’s and FPVAV’s
- Seismic Rooftop Ductwork Supports